UCS Resources/Contact

Home » UCS Resources/Contact

Interested in learning more about becoming a Unified Champion School? Fill out our Interest Form.


New or Returning Schools? Fill out our UCS Application or contact us:


Karen Michalak-Parsley                                               Michael Justice


                                                           Director of Unified Champion Schools                                                                           Youth Initiatives Director

                                                                          [email protected]                                                                                                       [email protected]


Liaison Resources

Elementary School Playbook         Middle School Playbook           High School Playbook

Unified PE         NFHS Resource Guide for Interscholastic Unified Sports

NFHS Online Coaching Unified Sports course             Unified Sports Logo Uniform Guidelines

Its-Our-School-Too Skit Packet


Unified Classroom

These fun engaging activities highlight inclusion and are made for all grade levels! You can access all lessons, social media activities and videos via Google Drive or Dropbox at www.generationunified.org/unified-classroom/.

Comprised of monthly “packages” that keep the educator & student top of mind, the Unified Classroom is a seamless way to ensure that the core themes of Special Olympics are embedded into your current classroom setting.


UCS Components Guide 

Click the title above to check out this new tool to help youth leaders and liaisons. Full of examples and ideas within each component to help you plan activities within your school to further the success of your Unified Champion School.

Sample Outreach Letters to start Unified Activities


Application Resources

Unified Champion Schools Interest Form PDF

Grant terms and definitions

UCS Application PDF

Please submit these forms or any questions by email to Karen Michalak-Parsley at [email protected]. Thank you!


Information and Research

One Page Info-graphic

School Research Report

Core Research

High Five for Fitness Video (Full VersionO

High Five for Fitness Video (Condensed Version)