Lexington Pair To Again Represent SOKY in DC

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Lexington Pair To Again Represent SOKY in DC

Turner, Orthmeyer Return To Take Special Olympics Message
To Congress as Part of Capitol Hill Day

Fred Othmeyer and Morgan Turner
Board Member Fred Orthmeyer and Global Messenger Morgan Turner also took part in Hill Day activities in 2016.

For the second year in a row, Lexingtonians Morgan Turner and  Fred Orthmeyer will represent Special Olympics Kentucky in Washington, D.C., as part of the annual Special Olympics Hill Day. This year’s Hill Day will be held February 13-15. Turner, a Special Olympics Kentucky athlete and Global Messenger, and Orthmeyer, a SOKY Board Member, also represented the organization a year ago..

The two will travel to Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, Feb. 14, and participate in training meetings ahead of Hill Day. On Wednesday, Feb. 15, Turner and Orthmeyer will meet with the Kentucky Congressional representatives and their staffs to raise awareness for Special Olympics programs.

Turner, 21, has been a Special Olympics athlete for more than 11 years, competing in track and field, golf, softball, basketball and flag football. He recently completed training to be a Special Olympics Global Messenger. The training prepares Special Olympics athletes to speak on behalf of the organization and their fellow athletes. Turner has made several appearances on behalf of the organization in addition to last year’s Hill Day, including in front of the Kentucky State Legislature in 2015 in support of House Bill 178 and as part of the team of Global Messengers who emceed the State Summer Games last year. Turner is a graduate of Tates Creek High School, where he competed on the wrestling team as a student. He was named to the Tom Leach Army National Guard All-Resilient Team for his efforts at Tates Creek.

Orthmeyer is a Vice President for USI Insurance Services in Lexington. He is in his fourth year as a member of the Special Olympics Kentucky Board and is the Chair of the program’s Government Relations Committee.

For more information about Special Olympics Kentucky’ participation in Special Olympics Hill Day activities, contact Trish Mazzoni, Special Olympics President/CEO, at 502-695-8222 (office) or via e-mail at tmazzoni@soky.org.

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