SOKY Adds Recreational Swimming Guidelines for Events
Guidelines Cover all Programs Traveling to or Attending SOKY Events

It is always Special Olympics’ intent to take steps to ensure the health and safety of all Special Olympics participants. Special Olympics participants should always remember that safety comes first and should take reasonable steps to help minimize the risks for injury or accidental drowning related to recreational swimming. Special Olympics Kentucky has determined, for the health and welfare of its participants, to restrict recreational swimming while under the auspices of Special Olympics. This applies not only to the time at Special Olympics competitions or activities, but also while in transit to/from Special Olympics competitions or activities. Any Local Program/Delegation wanting an exception to this policy must comply with the Safety Considerations found in Section 5 of Special Olympics Swimming Rules or see the Recreational Swimming Guidelines for additional details. Please make sure all your coaches and family members know about these guidelines as it have an effect on everyone involved that has participated in Recreational Swimming in the past. If you have additional questions, please contact Teresa Capps-McGill at 502-695-8222 or