Posts by: sokentucky

SOKY Eyes Phased Sports Reopening

SOKY Eyes Phased Sports Reopening

We know with the weather turning better and the state slowly reopening that our athletes are eager to get back to the sports they love. SOKY is working on a phased return to activity plan with that in mind.

SOKY Coronavirus Update – May 14

SOKY Coronavirus Update – May 14

In keeping with the guidance from the Governor’s office on the phased reopening of the state, Special Olympics Kentucky is extending the suspension of all Special Olympics Activities through June 15, 2020. We are working on developing policies for our potential reopening.

SOKY Holding Virtual Art Contest

SOKY Holding Virtual Art Contest

Art is one of the many ways our athletes show off their talent and creativity. With the cancellation of the State Summer Games, SOKY is holding a Virtual Art Contest to replace the one held annual at the Games.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak: What You Need to Know

What is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Coronavirus COVID-19 is a lung illness that can spread from person to person. The virus that causes COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that was first discovered in Wuhan, China. Have there been cases of COVID-19 among Special Olympics athletes? The first case of COVID-19 in an athlete in the …